My friend Rebecca and her heart blockage…

Rebecca had heart palpitations and I was interested to interview her about her journey. We met at Camrose Community Church, and she was the Sunday school teacher! I remember when I was younger, she made me a doll cake for my 8th birthday party! When I was 16, she made two strawberry cheesecakes! For my 17-birthday party, we went to her shop after we went to the bowling alley. We were able to decorate cupcakes!  She also made me a graduation cake and she made (my brother Luke and my confirmation Cakes!  

Kelsey: How did you know something was wrong with your heart?  How did you feel?

Rebecca: I was having heart palpitations, I was tired, didn’t feel good.

Kelsey: Why did you need surgery?

Rebecca: The top and the bottom of my heart stopped communicating.

Kelsey: How did you feel after surgery, compared to before?

Rebecca: I felt really good after surgery, I couldn’t feel my heart beating funny. I thought I had carpal tunnel, after surgery my hands stopped going numb.

Kelsey: What was your recovery like?  How long did it take?

Rebecca: Recovery went well, I had to be off of work for 6 weeks.

Kelsey: What’s your advice for other people going through the same thing?

Rebecca: Be patient, recovery takes time.

Kelsey: How did your family react when they found out you needed surgery?

Rebecca: Louis and the kids were very worried, because it had to do with my heart and was so sudden. I was able to reassure them that I would be ok and feel much better.

Kelsey: What was your childhood like?  Do you have siblings?

Rebecca: My childhood was like everyone else’s. We played and went to school. I have one brother he is 3 years older than me.

Kelsey: Where did you grow up?

Rebecca: I was born in England and grew up in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Kelsey: What countries have you lived in?

Rebecca: England, Germany, Canada

Kelsey: What’s your favourite memory of your mom and dad? 

Rebecca: Camping, picnics while going on bike rides.

Kelsey: How many kids do you have? What do they do?  Do you have grandkids?

Rebecca: 4 kids, Matt goes to school, Human Resources, Aiden is working in Marketing, Emily is working in Edmonton for a road construction company, John is a construction worker. 1 grandson Mason who is 13 years old, he lives in Regina.

Kelsey: What’s your job today?

Rebecca: I work for Canada Post

Kelsey: What other jobs have you had?

Rebecca: Sold furniture, baker, owned my own restaurant, waitress, catering

Kelsey: How did you get into baking and cooking?

Rebecca: It was something I could do while I was raising my family. I sold my baking at markets, then I opened my own shop.

Kelsey: What’s your hobbies? 

Rebecca: Crafting. Gardening. Baking.

Kelsey: How did you and I meet?

Rebecca: We met at church and we became great friends!

I hope you have learned something about this interview with Rebecca! I didn’t know about heart palpitations before I interviewed her! Rebecca is wonderful, hard working and loving, and a kind friend who I look up to and trust!  Thanks for your interview, Rebecca!

For more information about heart palpitations check out this website I found…

Rebecca had to receive a pacemaker. This is what I found on the internet…

A pacemaker is a small device that’s placed (implanted) in your chest to help control your heartbeat. It’s used to prevent your heart from beating too slowly. Implanting a pacemaker in your chest requires a surgical procedure.

August 2021 *Life is slowly but surely getting back to normal *Little by little!

For Rose Club name that tune in August I won a wooden picture that we painted and gave to our senior for this month! 

My friend Karlina from high school came for a visit and we played Yahtzee!

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, I did some rolling on a blanket on the grass outside!   Then I did some colouring on the deck!

In the evening it was Rose Club Birthday Bash on Zoom, it was Big Valley themed, so it felt like we were at Big Valley at home! 

On the Sunday morning, My Grandma Sharon, and my Auntie Gail (my Dad’s Mom and sister) came to visit us! My Dad and I took them to where my dad works and where Big Valley usually is! And Jubilee Park!  I showed them the wheelchair accessible outdoor gymnasium.   We went on a long walk.  We went to the under pass! Yahoo it is wheelchair accessible!! 

My Auntie Gail gave me some butterflies and flowers on canvas!  Thanks so much!  Also, some word search books! Then we got back from our adventure, we taught them how to play the game Qwirkle.  I got to try out my mom and dad’s hammock for the 1st time!   While I was in their Hammock, my mom and dad were drying out the swimming pool and getting ready for the fall season!

A month ago, I was in my bed with my hot water bottle, and it got a hole in it and I got my 1st burn on my arm!

One Monday morning I got to show my mom the under pass at mirror lake!

The start of September and then the long weekend…

On a Wednesday afternoon I got sore from sitting too long so I showed Dana my staff how to put me on my mat!

On Thursday morning I got to go back to Centra Cam!  (Just in the morning though) I did some weights, medicine ball * a ball with handles on the sides* and some bands! That was 1st period of the day.  Then, after the coffee break. I started reading the book…”Ella Enchanted”.

When I came home, I started to paint the 1st canvas. It’s a butterfly!  

On a Friday afternoon I started to paint another painting with flowers and butterflies! 

On a Saturday afternoon I finished painting the second canvas, and I went back to my parents house. We went on a walk outside on the berm and I said “let’s make a birthday cake for the puppy! After supper we made a dog cake! 

On Sunday morning my Mom decorated COCO ‘s 1st birthday cake!  In the afternoon we celebrated our grand puppy/my niece’s 1st birthday! She ate a piece of her birthday cake! My Mom bought her a pink jacket. Joel and Ashley came with Caramel Macchiato cappuccino cups for dessert! They were in mini glass cups! They were very yummy, they reminded me of an ice cappuccino without the ice!  Thanks for bringing us over dessert!

On Monday morning I painted on the back deck! How do they look?! 

I went back home and made rhubarb crisp with my mom, played two games of Yahtzee and we went on another walk, and I helped make supper! It was meat balls rice with salad, and carrots from Good Foods!  After supper we watched Parent Hood!

Looking forward to the Fall Season and all of the changes that are coming.