Walks, Nails and a Celebration

This week I did something new! On Friday evening  Theresa, Levi and myself went to Safeway to get flowers for Marianne from everybody at CAFCL. There was a special party being held in honour of Marianne because she won a Gold and a Silver medal at the national Special Olympics in swimming! While we were there we had music playing and we danced on the deck. They had hot dogs and salads and fruit and the best of all chocolate cake and ice cream. The only problem with the party is that there were lots of wasps. I am so happy that I got to celebrate with Marianne and show her that she is my friend. I am so proud of her.

marianne pool

This is the pool in Antigonish NS where Marianne swam.

For my birthday I got a gift card to Studio nails, so I got to use it finally! I have never had gel nails before. This was a new experience for me. Nancy took me to go get them done and she told me about all the steps because she had done this lots. I went in knowing that I wanted lady bugs on my nails, but the lady doing my nails helped me decide on what other colours to do as well. We decided on green, with sparkles on the top that go down, then my ring finger on each hand is a lady bug! This was the first time that Nancy had taken me out of my chair, and put me in a real seat, because my legs kept hitting the table and it was very uncomfortable. She did a really good job. It took 2 hours to do my gel nails.



On Sunday Karli came over to visit with her baby Wren Charles. He is 7 months old already and I was excited that I got to hold him. It feels like he is growing up so fast but I am so excited to see Karli around again when she is off maternity leave.


Later on Sunday I went home to my parents. My parents had a wedding to go to this coming  Saturday so we had to go shopping for new clothes for my dad to wear and my mom needed new shoes for her dress that she was wearing. We went to Winners and I got a new lunch kit, it is a pink Nike one that has a Nike Symbol on the front of it and on the side it says “Just do It.’ Before going home that night we picked up ice caps and timbits from Tim Hortons. Then my mom and I went for a walk on the berm after supper, we just walked and talked for awhile before I had to go home.


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